Beyond Freedom & Dignity
debuted at the 2013 MICA Commencement Exhibition and presented again in 2014 at Carrie Secrist Gallery
Through an advert titled “Can Your Dog Be The Art World’s Newest Star?” placed on the New York chapter of in Spring 2013, I began a series of artistic collaborations with New York dogs and their art-minded owners, most of whom believed that their dog possessed an above-average aesthetic sensibility. The video featured in this installation was recorded using a miniature “collar-camera” worn by Sunflower, a 6-year-old Pomeranian. The small dog’s camera work documents her unique perspective and artistic interests as the two of us conducted a tour of art galleries in Manhattan’s Chelsea district. The resulting video, “Aesthetic Contemplation,” is installed embedded in the gallery wall behind a Freedom™ brand pet flap door.
Detail of installation at MICA:
Aesthetic Contemplation, 2013, single channel video embedded in wall,pet door flap
Wipe Your Paws, 2013, carpet, artist’s hand and knee prints in mud
Detail of installation at MICA:
Beyond Freedom Loop, 2013, single channel HD video loop
Detail of installation at MICA:
Untitled Abstraction 2 (Sunflower Series), 2013, non-toxic tempera on canvas, framed, created in collaboration with Sunflower the Pomeranian dog.
Sunflower Wall Clock, 2013, digital print of original painting by Sunflower the Pomeranian on commercial clock.
Installation view at Carrie Secrist Gallery.
TOYS, 2014, artist book, 24 pg., edition of 4.
Installation view at Carrie Secrist Gallery.
Aesthetic Contemplation, 2013, single channel video embedded in wall, pet door flap.